The World Health Organization advises at least half an hour of extensive exercise per day in order to stay in healthy shape.
It is thought that people who do not exercise on a regular base are more often anxious, depressed, and have lower self-esteem than people who do not exercise .
What if the perceived causality between the healthy mind and body is false? Suppose that, in general, happy people are just more fond of exercise, meaning that there is only a correlation? Or factors involved with exercising could operate independently and the effects of exercise are found in factors that accidentally come with exercise. People suffering from depression could in fact benefit from exercise programs due to the fact that they engage in a social activity, exercising with other people and receiving attention in a constructive and positive way.
In order to gain a more proper understanding of the causal relationship between exercise and depression (if any),
one should examine several environmental and physiological mechanisms that are involved, as well as the use of random trials, drawn from the general population.
exercising makes me lost weight = make me happppy and smileyyyyyyyy :D HAHAHA
when im said i tend to want to pespire and excercise..
woah, maybe its true!
exercising really makes you happy!!
i think ,claudine,you excerise too much. you are over hyper
i excerise too much!
very funnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy
Interesting post, i think we should be looking at any confounding variables acting upon the 2 factors which is exercising and level of happiness.
Could it be that losing weight indirectly cause the level of happiness to increase?
we do know that people like to be slim and stuff..
We should also be skeptical about the methods and participant in this kind of research ^^
claudine i think u exercise your mouth too much. u are always laughing non stop at something that is not funny. deprived child hood i must say. =D
exercising means losing more weight, and claudine can stop saying i'm a pig. good idea :DD
exercising does make me feel happier. I sweat out all the toxic in my body and i always feel more refreshed afterwards!
agree with chern harn! but i hate the perspiring part when exercising, you'll be like super sticky and smelly :( but exercising makes you loose weight!!!!!!
i think generally people feel good after exercising cos its a workout and you got through it. its a sense of accompishment that makes you happy. works for me! but i hate perspiring too hahas
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