Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Media and television
Television commercials depict crowds rushing into stores and hands depleting shelves of the product. Advertisers proclaim their products as the “largest selling” or “fastest growing” in the market. Restaurant owners designate certain menu items as “our most popular,” which immediately makes them even more popular. Besides the number of others who have performed an action, there is another feature of others that makes their actions contagious—similarity. People follow the actions of others who are like them. Here, again, the media must exercise caution, as these behaviors can take on a copycat character.
I suggesting that the media should be censored in the reporting of news of genuine value. media representatives can reduce the negative consequences of events such as panics and suicides by reducing the repetitiousness and sensationalism of their coverage.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Does Exercise Truly Make You Happy?

The World Health Organization advises at least half an hour of extensive exercise per day in order to stay in healthy shape.
It is thought that people who do not exercise on a regular base are more often anxious, depressed, and have lower self-esteem than people who do not exercise .
What if the perceived causality between the healthy mind and body is false? Suppose that, in general, happy people are just more fond of exercise, meaning that there is only a correlation? Or factors involved with exercising could operate independently and the effects of exercise are found in factors that accidentally come with exercise. People suffering from depression could in fact benefit from exercise programs due to the fact that they engage in a social activity, exercising with other people and receiving attention in a constructive and positive way.
In order to gain a more proper understanding of the causal relationship between exercise and depression (if any),
one should examine several environmental and physiological mechanisms that are involved, as well as the use of random trials, drawn from the general population.