A slight introduction to the Simpsons family,
Bart Simpson He's a Krusty-loving, slingshot-owner, and loves the create trouble.
Homer Simpson The father who loves Doughnuts, Beer andmessing around with Nuclear safety protocols.
Marge Simpson Blue hair, endless patience - Marge is the glue of the Simpson family.
Lisa Simpson The literature loving, saxophone playing, responsible genius sister.
Maggie Simpson The babygro clad, dummy-sucking baby of the family.
(taken from the website)
The simpsons wooed the audience when it first aired in 1990s. It was the first sitecom that's not afraid to poke fun at authority, the show ruffled a few feathers. taken from the website, "Even George Bush, then president of the USA, announced that American families should be 'more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons' - which he didn't mean in a nice way! "
the simpsons appeal to all ages and that there are some jokes for grown ups, and some for kids, which is a great way of getting pass the censors.
Although they were poorly animated, the Simpsons had great writing, good voices and good music. The show's humor turns on cultural references that cover a wide spectrum of society so that viewers from all generations can enjoy the show, Whenever possible, the animators also put jokes or sight gags into the show's background and hidden messages in the sitcom.
The impact of mass communication is very great as it communicates to a large audience, the influence of media messages that are put into the simpsons can be spreaded widely as it's popluar tv sitcom.
what do you think?
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I love Simpsons too. It just captures the eyes of most age gaps - little kids for the cute animation to the dirty humor for adults!
Anyway, spelling error in last sentence. HAHA!
"the simpsons appeal to all ages and that there are some jokes for grown ups, and some for kids, which is a great way of getting pass the censors."
I totally agree!
the simpsons potrays like a typical amercian family daily life,
then insertion of humour is soo good!
to QN:
YES it certainly does!
dirty humour that kids dont catch! thats the best thing about the simpsons
to annoymous:
HAHA yes! they potray how a typical ameerican family would react to certain issues, but in a more expressive way :D
yes i agree that the mass media plays an important part in spreading messages and values. and one question. why are they yellow? yellow yellow dirty fellow?
as much as you'd think that simpsons is portraying a typical american dysfunctional family, i remember reading somewhere that it is acutually a very poor representation of the american household.
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